Protein advice
As a researcher I have more than 20 years of extensive hands-on experience with "most things protein". I have cloned, purified, crystallised, run enzyme assays, binding assays, analysed stability, solved structures, modelled structure, and probably other things forgotten.
As a freelance consultant, I have spend 3 years collaborating with small to medium sized biotech companies. I have been predicting and evaluating protein-protein interfaces, validating putative drug targets, designed and eveluated experimental protocols, designed many many protein expression constructs on proteins (50+) for all kinds of end points. I have written reports, academic texts and read more scientific papers than ever as an academic researcher.,
Well, in particular small biotech companies that operate that border between cell, molecular and structural biology often experience a need for a bit extra knowledge on protein behaviour and thats were I come in. For the last 3 years or so I have added a bit extra on protein stability, binding assays, protein production. In particular the last year I have spend a lot of my time interpreting structural data from Alfa-Fold. A source of information that is now readily available but where many non-protein chemists come up short in getting the full value.
Protein production
As a researcher I have cloned, expressed and purified proteins from humans, mice, rats, fish, snails, plants, yeast and bacteria for biochemical, biological and structural studies for 20 years starting with fructuse-1,6-biphosphatase from potato expressed in E. coli in Copenhagen in 1999.
As a freelance consultant, I have compiled, interpreted and conveyed data from literature and databases. Then presented these for clients and designed more than 50 different protein constructs for production in E. coli, insect cells and mammalian systems. My clients have used these for a wide variety of analysis ranging from cell penetration assays to crystallisation trials. In many cases I also created the production protocols from cloning to purification and critically evaluated the results.
After signing a digital non-disclosure agreement. We will talk a bit more on where I can make difference and find the best way to work together. I am quite flexible in contract work but I only take on jobs where I feel that I can make a positive difference.
I generally work by the hour. Either invoiced per month or per job. Use the contact page and we'll setup a meeting.